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Creating Change Through Performing Arts

fix+foxy is an international company based in Copenhagen, creating performing arts that actively engage audiences and contribute to complex narratives. Their works challenge conventions through formats that both surprise and involve the audience. For fix+foxy, theatre is a potential space for unexpected encounters between people who rarely meet — a space where new perspectives can emerge.

fix+foxy works to challenge the way people perceive each other and society. Their performances create space for uncomfortable conversations and often give voice to those rarely heard in the performing arts.

From Intention to Reflection

fix+foxy does not aim to create actual transformation as a goal in itself, but often sees it as a natural effect of their work. They create art that challenges both themselves and those they assume they agree with. The company does not seek to present solutions or definitive truths, but instead shares their own doubts and presents the world’s complex social, economic, political, systemic, and psychological structures. They always aim to leave the audience with a problem to consider — never a ready-made solution. In doing so, they believe in fostering reflection that may ultimately lead to individual action.

Projects with Continuity and Courage

Each work builds upon or complements previous projects, forming part of a larger, ongoing investigation. At the same time, it is essential for fix+foxy to continually move in new directions and challenge themselves.

fix+foxy is constantly developing new works that continue their exploration of social structures and human relationships. Every upcoming project is the most important one. Whether addressing collective survival or individual existential crises, each project holds equal relevance. Whether the works reach a large audience or take the form of small, intimate experiments, they all carry the same significance within fix+foxy’s artistic practice.

Performing Arts That Stay With You

For fix+foxy, it is essential that performing arts remain relevant, surprising, and engaging. They aim to create experiences that stay with the audience long after the performance ends — sparking curiosity and perhaps even inspiring a desire to take part in the ongoing investigation of our world and existence.


Contact person

Amanda Tilia Hamelle

Development Manager/producer