Reden Ung

    Community Members

No Young Person Should Stand Alone

Reden Ung works to ensure that no young person experiences a violation of their intimate boundaries and that no one is left alone when their boundaries are challenged.

Through conversations with young people about their personal experiences, Reden Ung gathers knowledge that is shared with relevant professionals and political decision-makers. In this way, Reden Ung helps strengthen the understanding of the challenges young people face and contributes to developing better solutions.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Destigmatization: No young person should feel ashamed of their experiences. Regardless of the circumstances, they should always have someone to talk to and access to help.
  • Setting Boundaries: As digital media increasingly challenge social boundaries, Reden Ung works to raise awareness about personal boundaries and to create better frameworks for discussing and respecting them.

Experience and Areas of Work

With years of experience, Reden Ung provides support and guidance to young people while increasing awareness about issues related to the exchange of sexual services. The organization also assists professionals working with young people and develops educational programs and activities that equip young people with tools to navigate complex social and digital environments.

One of Reden Ung’s core strengths is the ability to engage in conversations with young people about a sensitive and often taboo topic – the exchange of sexual services for money or gifts. The organization communicates these insights in a constructive and nuanced manner. This approach was recognized in 2021 when Reden Ung received the Crown Prince Couple’s Social Stardust Award. More recently, Reden Ung applied this approach at Roskilde and Nibe Festivals, where they engaged in conversations with hundreds of young people about both the fun and the difficult aspects of life.

A Broader Issue

The exchange of sexual services intersects with various social and health-related challenges among young people, including homelessness, substance use, self-harm, psychiatric disorders, and developmental conditions. Additionally, issues related to intimate boundaries—especially in the digital space—affect almost all young people.

Reden Ung aims to be part of the solution for both young people in vulnerable positions and the broader group of young people facing boundary-related challenges. The organization’s long-term goal is to ensure that knowledge about young people’s experiences with exchange becomes an integral part of support initiatives for at-risk youth, alongside other social risk factors.

Moreover, Reden Ung advocates for better frameworks for young people's digital lives. This includes both structural changes that establish clearer boundaries in the digital world and efforts to help young people recognize and respect their own and others’ boundaries online.

Part of KFUKs Sociale Arbejde

Reden Ung is part of KFUKs Sociale Arbejde, an organization that has supported socially vulnerable people for over 75 years on a church-based foundation. KFUKs Sociale Arbejde is best known for Reden, which operates in Denmark’s five largest cities and from which Reden Ung originated. Additionally, KFUKs Sociale Arbejde runs shelters, crisis centers, and drop-in centers, offering 14 social services across the country.

Reden Ung has a Copenhagen-based office at Thoravej 29, with additional locations in Odense, Aarhus, Aalborg, and Esbjerg.


Contact person

Ann-Sophie Ernst-Rasmussen

Head Advicer